Friday, July 6, 2007

thing 7

One day we are in the Netherlands and the next day we are looking at all of our holiday pictures on our computer. This is a wonderful thing. We are going to email pictures to the mother of the groom so that she can see some pictures even before the bride and groom return from their honeymoon. Age of technology allows her to forward them to a friend who lives in Idaho and ever so interested in the Wedding day and anxious to see pictures. In this case, I believe the mother of the groom will be the most excited about technology and a digital camera and lead her to go and buy one soon.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

thing 5

It is fun to be able to learn and at the same time yearn for a destination that you had once visisted, and/or one that you would like to go to.

I am happy to say this is one place that I did visit in the summer of 2006.

AHH,... opps, I'm slipping into vacation mode just seeing this picture..

Friday, June 15, 2007

SO, I am trying to do my flickr, but I must have huge images/pics, it is taking a long, long time to upload, or most likely I did it wrong and it's just going in cirlces trying to figure out what I am trying to do...
slow progress, however fun trying .

Monday, June 4, 2007

new things

As I slowly click along, I find that I am doing something new and new things help us to learn something new every day.