Thursday, June 21, 2007

thing 5

It is fun to be able to learn and at the same time yearn for a destination that you had once visisted, and/or one that you would like to go to.

I am happy to say this is one place that I did visit in the summer of 2006.

AHH,... opps, I'm slipping into vacation mode just seeing this picture..

Friday, June 15, 2007

SO, I am trying to do my flickr, but I must have huge images/pics, it is taking a long, long time to upload, or most likely I did it wrong and it's just going in cirlces trying to figure out what I am trying to do...
slow progress, however fun trying .

Monday, June 4, 2007

new things

As I slowly click along, I find that I am doing something new and new things help us to learn something new every day.